Redsync is a Redis-based distributed lock implementation in Go. It is also mentioned on the official Redis website ( as a reference Go implementation of the Redlock algorithm.
Redsync is a Redis-based distributed lock implementation in Go. It is also mentioned on the official Redis website ( as a reference Go implementation of the Redlock algorithm.
Node WHOIS is a WHOIS client for Node.js.
This is a CodeMirror 6 plugin to enable code completion, hover tooltips, and linter functionality by connecting the editor with a language server over WebSocket.
Papyrus is a real-time collaborative Markdown editor and document repository with simple organization and project-based management. This project was built as a part of a Go hackathon and the project was voted as one of the finalists by the GopherGala community.
Cactus is a modern, lightweight programming contest control system in a single binary. Deploying it is as simple as downloading its binary to a server on the local network. In some ways, Cactus is the precursor to Toph.
Bullet is a fast Twelve-Factor application deploy tool. Bullet deploys your application over SSH and runs it within Docker. You can configure the environment of your application by specifying per-process Dockerfiles/images.
Scanlib is a metaparser that validates input files and generates input code in different programming languages.
Too is a collaborative memory-based recommendation engine implementation in Go built on top of Redis and simple set mathematics.
Dots is a simple DNS toolkit.
Brdgd is a WebRTC-based file transfer tool.
Loadcat is an Nginx configurator that allows you to use Nginx as a load balancer.