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Gnome Not Reporting Bluetooth Earbuds Battery? Enable the D-Bus Interface

I use one of these true wireless Edifier earbuds.

I noticed how Android reports the battery level of these earphones. But Gnome doesn’t.

Turns out, you need to enable the experimental D-Bus interface in the Bluetooth daemon on Linux for Gnome to know the battery level of the connected wireless earbuds.

On Arch Linux (which I use, btw), I had to modify /etc/bluetooth/main.conf and set:

Experimental = true

You will probably find a # Experimental = false line in that file that you can uncomment and change from false to true.

Then, restart the Bluetooth daemon:

sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service

And now, Gnome reports the battery level of the earbuds under the Power tab in Gnome Settings.

Screenshot of the Power tab in Gnome Settings
Screenshot of the Power tab in Gnome Settings

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